Maryland Chess Association
3rd Newcomb Memorial
From Friday 14 March 2025
To Sunday 16 March 2025
To Sunday 16 March 2025
Hits : 546
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3rd Annual Newcomb Memorial Tournament
Executive Conference and Training Center
22685 Holiday Park Drive, Dulles, VA 20166
March 14-16, 2025
$5,000 Guaranteed Prize Fund
Within the last year, Philip Newcomb (Murray Newcomb's brother) has also passed away. Both brothers died of the same form of esophageal cancer. As a result, the name of the tournament has been changed from The Murray Newcomb Memorial Tournament to The Newcomb Memorial Tournament (to memorialize both Murray and Philip).
- Five-round Swiss; three-day and two-day schedules (Premier Section must play three-day schedule); up to two half-point byes allowed
- Three-day schedule: Friday at 7 pm, Saturday at 12:00 noon, Saturday at 6:30 pm, Sunday at 10 am, Sunday at 4 pm
- Two-day schedule: Round 1 on Saturday at 9:30 am, merge with 3-day schedule for round 2
- On-site registration closes 30 minutes before the start of round one (after that players may register with a half-point bye)
- Three sections: Premier (FIDE-rated), Under 1900, and Under 1400
- Click here to view details about The Newcomb Memorial Scholastic:
- Players may not play up more than 200 points. (If you want to play up, add 200 points to your rating to see which section you qualify for). A player may use either their live (unpublished) rating or published rating to qualify for a higher section. If a player uses their live rating to qualify, the tournament director may also use their live rating for pairing purposes.
- Unrated players policy: Unrated players may play in the Under 1400 section. To play in a higher section, unrated players must obtain special permission from the tournament director. Players with foreign ratings, FIDE ratings, and provisional US Chess ratings are not considered unrated. The tournament director may use US Chess ratings (published or unpublished) from other categories (quick, blitz, online, online quick, online blitz, or correspondence). The tournament director has the option of assigning a player a rating.
- $5,000 guaranteed prize fund:
- Premier: $1300 for 1st, $550 for 2nd, $250 for 3rd
- U1900: $1000 for 1st, $400 for 2nd, $100 for 3rd, $200 top Under 1650
- U1400: $750 for 1st, $250 for 2nd, $100 for 3rd, $100 top Under 1100
- Time control: 40/90,SD/30;+30 (40 moves in 90 minutes, sudden death in 30 minutes; with a 30-second increment throughout the entire game)
- (Game/45;+10 for round one of the two-day schedule)
- Forfeit policy: 30-minute forfeit time. If you do not arrive at the board within 30 minutes of the scheduled round time you will lose the game by forfeit unless the tournament director decides otherwise. The tournament director may choose to pair the opponents of absent players against each other rather than award a forfeit win.
- Entry fee: $107 by 2/7, $119 by 3/1, $129 by 3/13, and $140 on/after 3/14 (on-site registration closes 30 minutes before round 1)
- Free entry to GMs ($107 deducted from prizes--email to signup)
- Re-entries are permitted in all sections besides Premier--the price to re-enter is $50.
- Boards and pieces will be provided for all players, but please bring a clock if you have one.
- All sections are US Chess rated. The premier section is also FIDE-rated.
- PARKING INFORMATION: There is plenty of parking at the venue.
- SLEEPING ROOMS: Check the registration page for information about sleeping rooms.
- Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Click here to show mail address or 703-609-0499 with any questions.
How to Register
Register here: